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Vid Files Storage & browser

4.8 ( 7408 ratings )
Verktyg Musik
Utvecklare: meraim belhoussain

Vid Files Manager is a FREE file manager and virtual USB drive for the iPhone and iPad. Easily view images, audio, videos, PDF documents, Word documents, Excel documents, ZIP/RAR files and more.

1 ) manage downloaded files.


Private and Safe web surfing

Passcode lock

Web browser

Google search

History support

Download files

- Fast speed

- Control of loading: pause and resume

- Speed indicator and download progress bar

- Download notification

2 ) File manager

- Store files offline

- Preview documents with file formats: aif, cda, mid, midi, mp3, mpa, ogg, wav, wma, wpl, //Audio file formats by file extensions
7z, arj, deb" , pkg, rar, rpm, tar.gz, z, zip, //Compressed file extensions
bin, dmg, iso, toast, vcd, //Disc and media file extensions
mp4, flv, //Video file formats by file extension
pdf, doc, docx, txt,
ai, bmp, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, png, ps, psd, svg, tif, tiff"

- Create folders

- Move, rename and delete files

- Search by file name

- Unzip ZIP files same Winrar

File sharing

- Transfer files to a computer via Wi-Fi

- Transfer files to a smartphone via Wi-Fi

- Share files with any application (email, Files app...)

3 ) Play video: mp4, mov, avi, mpeg and other formats.

$ ) Play audio (You can play any audio file )

NOTE: the app does not download audio and video from unauthorized websites.